Let me first begin by highlighting that women of color are not one in the same. Not all of us think the same way about life, politics, race, or gender. And yet, we have been systemically lumped into one big group for better or for worse.

In working with women of color across cultures, races, and ethnicities, I have been able to identify our many differences, as well as theways in which grouping us together (especially in leadership and influential roles) leads to shared commonalities that we can relate to.

This week alone has been a lot. DEI cuts, racial profiling, attacks on family, cuts to budgets that impact the most vulnerable. Women of color leaders are often looked to to fix, support, and speak up on behalf of the communities they represent. It is both an honor and, a lot.

Here are 3 gentle suggestions I offer for any woman of color leader who needs some encouragement and a tender approach to all that has been placed on your shoulders then, now, and for what is to come.

  1. Be gracious with yourself. Communities will look to you for leadership because they value and respect you, or because they feel you owe them something. Protect your knowledge and peace wisely and remember that you’re in control of your output. You are a powerful force, and you are also one person who is a real, tender human at your core.

    2. Call on Community. When you’re flooded with emotional exhaustion due to personal challenges and/or political injustices, call on community. Activist-centered leadership depends on the collective, not the individual. I frequently remind my clients that taking pause for self-care activates community care. You’re not tapping out indefinitely. You must restore to keep your energy intact.

    3. Heighten the Wins. This differs from toxic positivity. When you stand up for justice and see the fruits of collective action, you must celebrate, however big or small. This keeps you encouraged and engaged for the long run.

For more insights, please follow me on Instagram or book a call with me if you or your organization is in need of mental health of DEIB support.